Monday, August 5, 2013

My Blog Has Comments?

I woke up this morning and did a happy dance. In the five hours I had slept, my blog had 3 comments and over thirty new page views. This, for me, is super exciting. This is no pants, eat Doritos, and watch-an-entire-season-of-Dexter-in-one-sitting exciting. Can you tell how excited I am?

I started this blog in 2010, did a couple of random sucktackular posts, and then just forgot it. At that time my mother was sick and I was constantly travelling between Sri Lanka and Baltimore. I didn't have time to sleep, let alone write a blog. Then a couple of months ago I came across this pin with a list of books to read for the summer and found Jenny Lawson's book "Let's Pretend This Never Happened", and blog,

I loved her book. Scarily, I identified with her childhood. No, my father was not a taxidermist, and no, I didn't have a sister to share the trauma memories with, yet I felt like she and I would have been BFF's. So I proceeded to stalk her: followed her blog, followed her on Twitter, followed her on Pinterest. Total stalkerness, to the point she may have considered putting out a restraining order. I kid, I kid, I make joke with you!

And when I started following her, I also began finding other AMAZING blogs, and now I live in a continuous state of blogging.

Anyways, this is just to say thanks, so thanks everyone! You guys are amazeballs and I love all two of you.

That's right, bitches. Be jealous.


  1. I'm literally tearing right now...

    I tried to click the "14" on the picture cause I thought it was clickable and I wanted to read all the comments.

    Technically challenged. UGH.

    1. Ha, that's actually a good idea. I wouldn't know how to put all the comments together in one place though.

      Maybe there's a class for people like us.
