Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Happy Things

So I was reading through a bunch of posts from other amazing bloggers and I came across Allie's post of things that make her happy... and it made me so happy that I wanted to blog my own list as well! Also, if you don't already visit Allie's blog, Tales of a Twenty Something, you so should. It's amazeballs.

So I started thinking about things that made me happy, and I was appalled at the lack of things that made me truly happy. For someone who gets amused at the smallest of things, not a lot makes me feel really happy, but here are the things that do:

Car Rides
I love car rides in any weather, rain or shine. They instantly make me happier. Let's clarify that I don't like to be the one driving. I also don't like a lot of talking during the rides. lol. So the driver either has to be quiet or sing along with the loud music with me. Open roads, good music, and not a destination in mind: perfection.

With emails, texts, and Facebook, sending and receiving letters is at an all time low. I don't have the time to send letters as much as I would like to, but my friends and I used to write letters to each other all the time, and receiving a letter always put a huge smile on my face. 

"Cuz a real man, knows a real woman, when he seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees herrrr..."
Alicia Keys' A Woman's Worth is my favorite sing-along song ever. Windows down, hair blowing in the wind, me singing along at the top of my fuckin lungs = good times. Music in general makes me very happy and a good sing-a-long really does lift my spirits.

There was never really a lot of prayer in my household growing up and I embraced my religion pretty recently in all honestly. Prayer in Islam is an emotional connection with God and the entire process is very calming and peaceful. Whenever I'm really down, prayer makes me re-look at my situation and makes me feel happier.

Family Dinners
Yeah, that's the Sopranos... but seriously, family dinners make me happy. Surrounded by best friends and family, the room filled with lively conversation... We were never really big on family dinners growing up, but it's something I've always loved. I plan to make it a thing when we have kids. No matter how old, or how busy, the family gets together for dinner - and once the kids move out, family dinners once a week!

1 comment:

  1. I would love to write letters to you. Give me your address.

    PS I'm really a sweaty old fat guy whose balls hang out of my brown whitey tightys (because, who cleans, right?) so you'll get pix of that & me stalking you because I live right down the street.
