I was sitting on the back of Zak's motorbike as he whizzed me around the streets of Colombo when we came upon a traffic light. As I was looking around I happened to catch a peek at a man (driving a car) who was also at the light. There was nothing special about this man. There was no reason as to why I continued to look at him. He was not hot - he wasn't even in my age gap - but as I continued to look, the man, who was oblivious to my rude staring, decided to pick his nose. I don't mean a little sniffle and a rub of the thumb or even a swipe with the index finger... I mean looking-for-gold, cant-see-the-knuckle-any-more nose picking! Disgusted, I began to turn away but there was something so captivating about this middle-aged nose-picker that I continued to stare at his hunt for booger-treasure.
This man was dressed impeccably well. He drove a nice car. He seemed to be an educated and cultured intellectual. How could a man as such not have been taught that nose-picking should be done in the privacy of one's bathroom? Surely he must have a family - he must have been scolded for doing such things in his younger years. Maybe even he himself has scolded his kids for doing such unmannered things. Then, why oh why, has this man decided to pick his nose?
I remembered reading somewhere that extracting your dried nasal mucus (aka picking your nose) could lead to many health risks such as nose bleeds, perforation of the nasal septum and the spreading of infections from the nasal area to the brain among other things, sometimes even death! Could this man be suicidal??? Has he lost his job? Did his wife or girlfriend leave him or cheat on him? Has someone he loved passed away? Why would this man want to take his life through epistaxis?!?!
I decided to reach out to this man. Tell him that whatever he was going through, it was not worth death and that suicide was never the right choice. I clenched my fist and leaned over to rap on his window, to save him from death, to help - when I felt the seat beneath me vibrate and I heard a roar in the distance. Zak revved his bike and began to speed away and I thought "Noooooo, I must save that man's soul!" I turned back for one last look at the educated, smartly-dressed, nose-picking man who may have had a cheating wife or lost his job, but he never acknowledged me.
He was too busy flickering a booger off his finger.

Thursday, December 16, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
We used to be attached at the hip!
So I'm bored again now and the wknd can't come any faster. I was sitting here analysing life as I often do and thought about a bunch of people that have come and gone in my life. I mean these were people who at one point I would have sworn would be LIFELONG friends. These are people I spent hour after hour with plotting schemes, sharing laughs and crying tears with.
I went back home on vacation recently and was really looking forward to seeing certain people... There were two that couldn't make the time to see me and honestly, I wasn't that irked by it. But there was one particular person who I grew up with for the most part. I mean this was a person who knew things about me that no one else knew. And he/ she couldn't take the time to see me... that was just hurtful. It's taking time but I'm going to slowly get over it and I'm not going to try again. Call it pride or call it being a bitch but I tried so meh.
On to the happy people in my life... there are just some people who mean a lot to me in the oddest of circumstance. A friend of mine from middle school send emails every once in a while. We sometimes have months where we are not able to keep in touch but I love her tons and I know that she's a LIFELONG friend.
There's another friend who I may have physically met maybeeee 4 times.... I don't think it was more than 5. And we BARELY talk but still I know that he/she's there when I need them and that he/she is a LIFELONG friend.
When chat rooms were cool, I used to go to one where I met a fellow chatter... We email ALMOST on a daily basis. He/ She knows almost everything about me and we've now been friends for 7 years. I have never met him/ her but they are a LIFELONG friend.
And the last LIFELONG friend who I appreciate is Zak. We were friends, then lovers and now husband and wife. We've yelled at each other (actually it was me who did most of the yelling), made each other cry (again, it was mostly me crying cuz I cry at EVERYTHING) and had crazy ups and downs in our relationship. But he believed in us as much as I did. He is one of my best friends and I know he will always be.
And of course I have a lot of people who I consider family. You don't always like your family. You don't always talk to your family. But you know that no matter what you will always be connected to each other. :)
I went back home on vacation recently and was really looking forward to seeing certain people... There were two that couldn't make the time to see me and honestly, I wasn't that irked by it. But there was one particular person who I grew up with for the most part. I mean this was a person who knew things about me that no one else knew. And he/ she couldn't take the time to see me... that was just hurtful. It's taking time but I'm going to slowly get over it and I'm not going to try again. Call it pride or call it being a bitch but I tried so meh.
On to the happy people in my life... there are just some people who mean a lot to me in the oddest of circumstance. A friend of mine from middle school send emails every once in a while. We sometimes have months where we are not able to keep in touch but I love her tons and I know that she's a LIFELONG friend.
There's another friend who I may have physically met maybeeee 4 times.... I don't think it was more than 5. And we BARELY talk but still I know that he/she's there when I need them and that he/she is a LIFELONG friend.
When chat rooms were cool, I used to go to one where I met a fellow chatter... We email ALMOST on a daily basis. He/ She knows almost everything about me and we've now been friends for 7 years. I have never met him/ her but they are a LIFELONG friend.
And the last LIFELONG friend who I appreciate is Zak. We were friends, then lovers and now husband and wife. We've yelled at each other (actually it was me who did most of the yelling), made each other cry (again, it was mostly me crying cuz I cry at EVERYTHING) and had crazy ups and downs in our relationship. But he believed in us as much as I did. He is one of my best friends and I know he will always be.
And of course I have a lot of people who I consider family. You don't always like your family. You don't always talk to your family. But you know that no matter what you will always be connected to each other. :)
Thursday, November 18, 2010
My first blog post!
So, this is kind of exciting. For years now blogs have been "happenin" and I've just gotten hip to this. It's amazing I hadn't jumped on it earlier... due to my love of writing. I've always wanted to write a book. I've actually started one but it's been years since I've worked on it. Life has just been in the way.
So I'm a Content Writer for a web solutions company. I don't mean to toot my own horn but we're actually one of the best in the business. My favourites are hotel web sites cuz we get to go on 2-3 day getaways to take pictures and basically investigate the place. Two days ago (11/16/10) was actually my one year anniversary at work- I almost didn't make it but I'm glad I did.
I'm married to a really great guy (Zak) who will probably be the topic of many posts to come. I'm not one of those women who will rant and say how their husbands are perfect and their marriages are perfect and they have perfect kids, no. I have a great marriage and my hubby is great (no kids yet, thank god) but as life goes, we all have our ups and downs. One things for sure I've married a really UNDERSTANDING and PATIENT guy... the two qualities I have nil of. Thank god he doesn't know I've started blogging cuz if he reads this we'll have to deflate his head with missiles.
I live in Sri Lanka which is this island under India that NO ONE knew about until the damn tsunami hit. I remember getting really irritated in school because it was just assumed that if you had brown skin you were Indian. Ridiculousness. Lord, I actually am in that Facebook group "Not Indian mutha cluckas, Sri Lankannnn".
So I was born in DC and grew up in the tri state area till I was 20... and now halfway across the world, I sometimes miss home like mad. Yes my moms Sri Lankan and my dad's from Bangladesh but I was born and raised in DC/ MD/ VA and home is where the heart is people. I sometimes wonder what my life would be like if I had continued to live in the States. Oif! But moving to Sri Lanka was one of the best decisions for my sanity. The island life is what it's all about...
My mom and dad are awesome people. I mean we all go through that phase in life where we figure our parents are around solely to ruin our lives but in the end I've realized that they're good peeps. Believe you me, we've had our ups and downs. I've screamed and stormed and slammed and had every other violent outburst you can think of and they've retaliated... and every once in a while my parents and I get into it again... but what's love without war?
Ooooh so this has been fun. I've broken my blog cherry. Warning, I say stupid shit sometimes... but don't we all?
So I'm a Content Writer for a web solutions company. I don't mean to toot my own horn but we're actually one of the best in the business. My favourites are hotel web sites cuz we get to go on 2-3 day getaways to take pictures and basically investigate the place. Two days ago (11/16/10) was actually my one year anniversary at work- I almost didn't make it but I'm glad I did.
I'm married to a really great guy (Zak) who will probably be the topic of many posts to come. I'm not one of those women who will rant and say how their husbands are perfect and their marriages are perfect and they have perfect kids, no. I have a great marriage and my hubby is great (no kids yet, thank god) but as life goes, we all have our ups and downs. One things for sure I've married a really UNDERSTANDING and PATIENT guy... the two qualities I have nil of. Thank god he doesn't know I've started blogging cuz if he reads this we'll have to deflate his head with missiles.
I live in Sri Lanka which is this island under India that NO ONE knew about until the damn tsunami hit. I remember getting really irritated in school because it was just assumed that if you had brown skin you were Indian. Ridiculousness. Lord, I actually am in that Facebook group "Not Indian mutha cluckas, Sri Lankannnn".
So I was born in DC and grew up in the tri state area till I was 20... and now halfway across the world, I sometimes miss home like mad. Yes my moms Sri Lankan and my dad's from Bangladesh but I was born and raised in DC/ MD/ VA and home is where the heart is people. I sometimes wonder what my life would be like if I had continued to live in the States. Oif! But moving to Sri Lanka was one of the best decisions for my sanity. The island life is what it's all about...
My mom and dad are awesome people. I mean we all go through that phase in life where we figure our parents are around solely to ruin our lives but in the end I've realized that they're good peeps. Believe you me, we've had our ups and downs. I've screamed and stormed and slammed and had every other violent outburst you can think of and they've retaliated... and every once in a while my parents and I get into it again... but what's love without war?
Ooooh so this has been fun. I've broken my blog cherry. Warning, I say stupid shit sometimes... but don't we all?
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