Friday, September 18, 2015


I haven't been posting a lot lately - one, my brain has become mush and this creative 'roadblock' is more like a caved in, well, cave.

And then #IStandWithAhmed happened and I found myself in my pajamas at two in the morning going on a Twitter rant. For those of you living under a rock, Ahmed WAS a 14 year old freshman at MacArthur high school in Irving, Texas. (The smart kid isn't going back there!)

Having just started school, he felt like a lanky brown kid who didn't know anyone.  So he did what he was known for in middle school - being a gadget guru - in an attempt to interact. Little did Ahmed know that within the day he would receive tweets from both, President Obama and Mark Zuckerberg. He would become a national icon. 

President Obama knows what's up...

Ahmed built a clock. I myself remember building similar shit in high school wood shop. Thank god mine wasn't as techy as his, because had I gotten arrested, as Ahmed did, for constructing a 'bomb', I never would have made it. But ten years down the line, social media and an increase in social responsibility, ensured that Ahmed received the justice he deserved. 

Imagine this, ya'll: a lanky brown kid in glasses wearing a NASA t-shirt walks into a classroom. He's holding a box... Oh fuck, it's a box with wires sticking out of it. What do you think it is? 

Look at the fucking confusion on his face...
I'm trying to stay away from the religion factor of this craziness, but for fact's sake, Ahmed is a Muslim whose parents came from Sudan. Quite honestly, I think the problem here was being brown - even it was a turban-wearing Sikh, or an overly tanned white kid with an inopportune name, it would have played out exactly the same.

The teachers at this bumfuck school did not see a clock - instead they saw a brown kid with a lot of wires, and assumed he made a bomb. The police were called and Ahmed was dragged to a juvenile detention center and questioned without any legal representation, a guardian, or a parent present or aware of the situation. I'm not delving into that, because that's just too much. 

After hours of ensuring therapy would be necessary in Ahmed's future, they let him go with a 'my bad'. And the icing on the cake, he was then suspended from school! 

What. The. Fuck. Y'all. 

I keep waiting for Ashton Kutcher to jump out a fucking van screaming "I punk'd all y'all!"

And just because I'm growing to hate CNN, here's some shade on their news coverage... "@POTUS invites a teen accused of making a bomb to the White House"... seriously, CNN?

AND to show that no matter what life throws, people can still choose to be positive, here's a couple of pics of Ahmed's father bringing out pizzas for the media on his front lawn.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Where the fuck has time gone?

I have fallen off the face of the planet for no particular reason. I've just been busy - a constant cycle of work, sleep, and Netflix. I need to add more activities in my life and stop being lazy, so here I am - back in the blogosphere and ready to share my crazy adventures.

Quick update on life: started working for a software solutions company last June as a copy writer. I'm now Assistant Manager of Marketing and I'm heading the Marketing Communications department. 

I just spent two and a half months in Jacksonville, Florida working from the company's corporate office. Absolutely loved it. Can't wait to go back.  

Still married to the most amazing man... Knock on wood. I've become a huge believer in 'evil eyes' when it's come to my marriage. 

I know I've become a butter ball. I am STILL keen on losing weight and generally being healthier. 

And I'm currently renovating my house... One small section at a time. 

Will be back with more of my adventures soooooooon! Au revoir!